I dont know whether he was worried over his raised SGPT or not, but this was clear from his report that some thing is surely wrong with his body .... lets see whats could be the possible reason for his high SGPTWhat is SGPT? its an Enzyme, mainly contained in Liver Cells ..... when the liver is injured, liver cells release SGPT (Serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase) or ALT (Alanine Transaminase) in blood (circulation), and raising its level in blood ...... and signals that something is wrong with YOUR LIVER, thus its an indicator of your Liver's Status.

What are Enzymes? their Functions? Enzymes are nothing but Protiens, present throughout the body, each having their Unique function. They help to accelerate the necessary chemical reactions in our body.
I dont know, who adviced him this Investigation and why ...... so lets discuss generally, that what are the symptoms in which you should go for this Investigation (but on your Doctor's Request). It is ordered when you have liver disorder symptoms like abdominal swelling .. with or without pain, jaundice (yellow discolouration), itching (pruritis), nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, weakness, fatigue, dark urine or light coloured stool. It may also be ordered, if the person have known history of Hepatits, or any possible exposure to Hepatitis Virus, if the person is a Drinker, having positive family history of liver diseases, obesity, diabetes or Drug that can cause harm to the Liver. So, the causes of Raised SGPT include: Viral Hepatitis, Alcoholism, Fatty Liver, Obesity, and use of antibiotics.

His further lab reports show that his Anti HCV and HBsAg is Negative, so Viral Hepatits is excluded. He is not a Drinker, and he has not taken any antibiotics recently, so Medication and Alcoholism excluded. Yes, he eats junk food, he is obese, and there must be lack of exercise, so the possible cause of raised SGPT in his case is Fatty Liver.

Medical Advice in his case should be: Loose weight, have low fat diet, do some exercise ... thts it, no need of Liver Tonics and other Medications.
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