"To study the phenomena of disease without books is to sail an uncharted sea, while to study books without patients is not to go to sea at all." - Sir William Osler
I am hearing about the procedure "Exchange Transfusion" since final year MBBS ...... i have read this in books for so many times ........ still after reading in detail i had not idea how it all goes in real. Yesterday, i not only saw this practically but i also assisted my senior Doctor in Exchange Transfusion of a 5 year old baby boy, whose bilirubin was 33 mg/dl.
My senior says, stand at bedside, open your books and then examine the patient. I have seen my seniors ... opening his/her books while managing the patient of DKA (Diabetic Ketoacidosis) ..... There is no harm in opening a book in front of patients ..... you will learn this way.
I'll share few more things and my experience about Exchange Transfusion in my coming posts .... see you .... tata
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