For all those Doctors who want to work as a GP or as a Specialist in Saudi Arabia, there is a necessary test to be taken and that is Saudi Licensing Exam (SLE).
Saudi Licensing Exam (SLE) or Saudi Medical Board Exam is a "Saudi Commission for Health Specialties" (SCHS) exam for medical speciality or general practice licensing. It can either be taken inside Saudi Arabia or in several countries of the world. There is an Organization called Prometric, which provides testing and assessment skills. Prometric arranges SLE inside as well as outside Saudi. It also hold other exams for different institutions all over the world, one other example is the online USMLE exam.
SLE is a 2 hour exam taken on the computer, with 70 multiple choice questions. It is considered an easy exam to pass but getting high marks needs more work. This exam counts when you apply for jobs in Saudi Arabia. The exam for General Practice consists of MCQs from internal medicine, ophthalmology, gynae/obstetrics, paediatrics, surgery, statistics and psychiatry. As the MCQs are often repeated, it is a good idea to read the old questions, many such papers are available on the internet.
Some Useful Books:
1. First Aid for the USMLE step 3
2. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties
3. Comprehensive Review for Saudi Licence Exam by Dr Yahya M Al-Khladi
Download Some Past Papers of SLE: http://www.mediafire.com/?4ch2xqzd255vqgn
Click Here to visit the Prometric site to take the test inside or outside the Saudi Arabia.
To know more about Physicians Life in Saudi, visit Saudi to The Core Blog, which belongs to a Female Physician Sam Sall, working in Saudi.
i found SLE past papers useful. can you please tell me where i can get book of yahya for s.l.e exam..
plz email me if u have got any stuff regarding this..n good luck for ur css :)
my email is dr.g.asghar@hotmail.com
I am preparing for sle exam but i'm a bit confused about the required fee for it.Do you have any idea if it's 80 or 90$??I've searched quite a bit but seem to have lost the link for it...I'll appreciate any feedback..
kindly can anyone give info about sle exam in orthopedic and any questions available online same like past papers for orthopedics.i'll appreciate your feed back.thanks
@ doctor sahib if u r in riyadh u can get it in JARIR book store .
Dear Dr.Sahib
How can i get following book :-
- Comprehensive Review for Saudi Licence Exam by Dr Yahya M Al-Khladi
Thanks & regards.
Brig(R)Dr.Ahmed Rashid
i have downloaded the file but it is password protected. pls let me open the file.
Dr. Khurshid
i recently graduated from china.i want to do practice in saudia arabia.i m in pakistan now.can anyone guide me about SLE exam?whats the criteria and procedure to apply.ammar_harish@yahoo.com is my email.waiting for ur helpful response.
hi what is the fee for the exam ? and some more info will be appreciated thank you
hi i did my gradution in mbbs frm china thiz year january 2011 nw wna do sle how shud i do like sle need 1yr housejob its requirement during thz how can i prepare for it i need help em in ksa nw riyadh plz guide me regards and which country shud i prefer except saudi arabia like apply for cnada usa or australia mmm and which books shud i prefer for europe test
Salams to everyone, i will soon be appearing for the SLE (gp) exam,is there anyone out thr who has recently given the exam or giving it soon, maybe v can discuss some stuff, i need some tips on hw to start off, any help would be highly appreciated. Dr.Mallika
i will be appearing for the SLE(OBG) exam shortly inshaAllah..
could anyone suggest some mcq books that would help?
also, i'm planning to take the test drive, anyone has any idea if it is subject specific?
hi would someone plz tel me if its necessary to appear for the sle if i want to work as a dentist in saudi arabia?? and please i wud lik to knw the details also...
Assalam u allaikum Dear Dr.Mubashir shaikh sahib. I am Dr Iqbal shaikh from larkana sindh pakistan. can you gjve me your mobile no and i need old and new mcqs of GP exam for saudi counsil. Thanks
salam can anybody plz let me kno wat is th requirement for sle do they ask for experience as well?i mean i hav graduated in 2010 from Pakistan nw wanna start job here in riyadh bt have just 1 yr house job experience...can sle be given with just this n what about the fcps training here,do they offer this training here as in Pakistan...or again they ask for experience
Assalam i m dr i m also preparing for sle but i hav 2yrs gap from my internship...n i hav not any experience in between m i eligible 4 sle ? plz do reply
Assalamualaikum doctors,
I want to apply for Saudi Commission for Health Specialities Examination(SCHS)/ SLE exams. Anyone please help me out about the procedure for applying for this examination and also let me know what is the fee required for applying for this SCHS(SLE) exam. my email id is mdssalimmalik@gmail.com
hello everyone...
I am a dentist from india. i want to work in saudi as a GP Dentist. can any one tell me the procedure to apply for SLE .My email id is sha.nelanti@gmail.com.Kindly help me out.
I have worked in Jeddah as GP in the 90' s. I have completed RCGP, Uk, also MICGP,Ireland and USMLE parts 1&2 for USA. Is there any exemption from Saudi family practice boards exam ...in view of the above. Many thanks Anne.
If any one wants Comprehensive Review for Saudi Licence Exam by Dr Yahya M Al-Khladi....I am selling the photo copy version worth 20 US dollars.please contact dr tahir --0092-304-8384304
Contact for Comprehensive Review for Saudi Licence Exam by Dr Yahya M Al-Khladi. dr tahir--email-drsamqureshi85@yahoo.com
Dear Dr. Mubashir, ASAK
I would like pass the SLE asap as I am expecting a Job Visa from Saudi Arabia soon. I am a GP from India. I found the past exam papers up to the year 2008. I would appreciate your help to find the more recent exam papers. Please respond on my email: muzaffar.shakeel@hotmail.com
How could I get past papers of SLE GP Examiniation? Can anybody help me to let me know website. Thanks
Dr. A.Siddiqui
Hey friends this is dr tariq farhad Alhumdulillah i have cleared SLE GP exam on 13 th dec 2012 ....if any one neeed any information can cntct me ....i prepared from Comprehensive Review for Saudi Licence Exam by Dr Yahya M Al-Khladi. if any one wants the book i m selling it worth rs 2500 ...photocopy binded version...please contct tariq_farhad@yahoo.com
i have 1500 other mcqs also featuring old SLE MCQ in soft form worth rs 1000....
tc best of luck
if any 1 need Saudi Licence Exam by Dr Yahya M Al-Khladi,$6 or 600pkr,, contact me 0092+3479093004
Hello Sir,
I am fresh graduate from China, Want to take SLE exam, am i illegible for this ??
If so .. than plz i wanna know what documents are required and how much fee i have to pay for the examination.
Dr. Imran Ali
Hi there, in order work as a doctor in Saudi Arabia, you are obviously required to take the SLE exam as far as I know. Will you then be provided with a *License to Practice*?
I would like to know, what documents are required in order to apply for this SLE exam?
Once you have passed this exam, what documents are needed to get an actual job as a physician in KSA?
aoa... i m an mbbsdoc from pakistan.. want to know the examination fee for saudi liscensin exam for general practioner
aslk im doing my post graduation in biochemistry from a medical college in hyderabad,,im interested in pursuing a job in saudi after i finish my pg,,,
kindly tell me what books do i need to read and also can i write the exam before finishing my pg,,,
can anyone have past papers of SLE exam,,,plz send me at shahzadakram321@gmail.com,,, wil be thankful
Please Can you tell me is the SLE is required as well for Midwifery that want to apply for a job in KSA? And thanks
I Dr nabeela working as a dentist in India with 3yr working experience.i wish to work in Saudi pref.in dammam I cleared the pro metric (schs/sle) exam.what should I do next.how to get or apply a job in KSA.please reply
Looking for forward ur kind guidance
Sorry up written my email id nabeelanajeebap@gmail.com
salam..dis is Dr Nadeem... i just completed my house job.. i hav done MBBS from Pakistan... can i go directly fr exam or i need atleast 2 yrs gap for sitting n exam?
my email id is nadeem_jay@yahoo.com
I am a periodontist and yet to give my schs prometric perio speciality exam! Can any one tell me ant specific book of mcqs available for perio mcqs for Saudi prometric???
My email id is dr_khizer@yahoo.com
dr.khizer, i am a periodontist too, IA soon will be taking up SLE. Did you find any mcqs book available to clear saudi prometric. kindly suggest. my email id is nausheenasma24@gmail.com.
Can we practice master of neurosurgy in Saudi Arabia after qualifying SLE
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