(Need of Public Toilets)

Government is spending a lot of money in constructing Flyovers but cant spend some money in building Public Toilets, and due to lack of this basic need, every place has become a public toilet. I want to call upon the attention of those government employees who are responsible for taking care of Hygiene of this city, that come and see how people have made the various corners of civil hospital a public toilet. This was the only one example, but there are many other examples also where people have made a clean place as unhygienic. This leads to an environment where vectors like flies can easily perform a role in spreading the diseases, like Typhoid and Hepatitis.
Lack of public toilets is one of the factors behind the increasing number of Water borne diseases. Diarrhea (water borne disease) is responsible for deaths of 1.8 million people every year globally (WHO). According to WHO, 88% burden of disease is attributable to unsafe water supply, sanitation and hygiene, and is mostly concentrated in children in developing countries.
You may find a few public toilets, but they are so unhygienic that people prefer roadsides over these dirty toilets. So along with making a plan of building public toilets, do make a plan for keeping them clean. Hyderabad weeps for public toilets and hopes that the authorities will come to its aid soon enough.
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