(Published in Daily Dawn, on 2nd september 2010)
Link: http://www.dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect/dawn-content-library/dawn/the-newspaper/letters-to-the-editor/cricket-in-turmoil-290
THE ex-chief executive of the International Cricket Council (ICC), Malcum Speed, has reportedly stated that Pakistani cricketers have been involved in match-fixing for the last few years, so banning the Pakistani cricket team will be a correct decision. “They should take rest from international cricket for some time”, he said.
Banning our team will be injustice to those who were not involved. The right course to take at this juncture is a lifetime ban on the cricketers involved in the scandal.
Let us give a chance to the other junior cricketers. A lifetime ban will create a sense of sincerity in the upcoming junior cricketers.
However, if the involved players are not punished, the international media will blame the innocent along with the guilty players, and Pakistan will lose whatever respect it has internationally.
Suggestion by ICC executive
Mubashir Shaikh
(Published in Pak Observer on 2nd september 2010)
Link: http://pakobserver.net/detailnews.asp?id=50247
(Published in Pak Observer on 2nd september 2010)
Link: http://pakobserver.net/detailnews.asp?id=50247
While talking to a British newspaper, the ex-Chief Executive of International Cricket Council (ICC), Melcum Speed has stated that, Pakistani Cricketers have been involved in match fixing since last few years, so banning Pakistan’s cricket team will be correct decision for current situation. They should take rest from international cricket for some time”. I think that banning our team will be the injustice to those who were not involved. For the current situation, the correct decision will be the, life time ban on involved cricketers and let us give the chance to other junior cricketers who are waiting for their turn. Life time ban will create a sense of sincerity in upcoming junior cricketers.
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