Admission to ICU!
Posted on February 18, 2012
A young lady, aged between 25-30, came to the civil hospital with severe abdominal pain, she was referred from casualty department to surgical emergency ward, where she was diagnosed as a case of “Tuberculous Intestinal Perforation” after all the necessary laboratory & radiological investigations and clinical examination.The possible and necessary treatment for her was Surgical Repair of the perforation, all her attendants and relatives present in the ward were informed about it. She came with a huge protocol, full of political source, all her relatives belonged to a political party.They told the doctors that give her the VIP protocol, in other words they meant that give her the VIP protocol otherwise it won’t be good for you and hospital. After surgery, her relatives didn’t allow doctors to keep the patient in the ward, as they were not satisfied with the cleanliness of the ward. They forced the doctors and administration to vacate a bed in ICU and shift their patient to ICU. This patient was stable after surgery, and she really didn’t need ICU management, patients like her are easily managed in the ward without ICU support and monitoring.Now the important thing is this that the ICU in civil hospital comprises only 8 beds, and the count of ICU needy patients is more than that. So if people will force administration on political source to shift their patients to ICU although they don’t need ICU support, will let the other ICU needy patient, who is poor and has no political source, to suffer and may die.
Dr. Mubashir H. Shaikh
[Published in The Frontier Post on Sunday, 18th Feb 2012]