Tuesday, September 29, 2009
A Historical Win against India
Friday, September 25, 2009
Calling Qadianis as ‘Ahmadis’ is Haraam (Forbidden)
Maulana Mohammad Yusuf Ludhianvi in his book ‘Gift for Qadians’ has written that calling qadianis as ‘Ahmadis’ is haraam.
Why and How .. ?
There is a verse in our Holy Quran – ‘Asmah Ahmed’, and Qadianis say that here the word Ahmed (Naozbillah) means Mirza Ghulam Ahmed, the founder of this false religion. Every Muslim knows this fact that Allah (swt) has used two names for our last Prophet (p.b.u.h) i.e., Muhammad and Ahmed. Mirza ghulam has taken undue advantage of the word Ahmed and has twisted the meaning of Quranic Verse in his favour, on this basis he has claimed Prophethood.
Therefore applying that Quranic Verse to Mirza ghulam ahmed qadiani is a deliberate alteration in the Holy Quran, on this basis calling Qadianis as ‘Ahmadis’ is haraam (forbidden) and unlawful.
Gift For Qadians - by Maulana yusuf Ludhianvi
Qadianis are now every where, they are very rich, and these days they are offering big amount of money to those who accepts their Religion. Once a muslim turned qadiani, he will no get a single chance to come back to ISLAM, so it is important for every muslim to know these liars very well. Remember few days back, we heard a news that Altaf Hussain (MQM) has given a statement in favor of Qadianis, the only reason for doing this was Money, it’s the only benefit he can get from Qadianis. (Altaf’s maternal grandfather was an Islamic Scholar).
There was a guy in our university (Lumhs) who was a Qadiani, during first few years he use to hide his identity but later on he himself told his friends about his religion. It is easy for them to hide their identity because their names are same like our names, so on the basis of name one cannot judge that he/she is Qadiani. He is a qadiani, this news spread like fire in our university, at that time those who knew what (and who) Qadianis are, they left his gathering and tried to stay away from him, and advised others to break the link with him. But still many Muslims students are in touch with him, and I think the reason for this is Lack of Knowledge regarding qadianis.
This is available for download in PDF format on
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Say something about Pakistan Cricket Team - in One line
tata ... see u soon
PAKISTAN: A Bed of Roses for Politicians.
On 10th of September 2009, a statement of Gunwa Bhutto (Chairperson of PPP-SB and Wife of Late Murtaza Bhutto) was published in Kawish newspaper (a Sindhi daily from Hyd-Karachi). The Statement was, “Politics is the Business market where Politicians are sold” (haha). She was telling about other politicians but she forgot that she too is a politician (Hehe). Thanks to Allah (swt) first and then to Gunwa Sahiba for telling the truth ;), but ma’m labeling anything with a tag “for sale” alone is not fair, you should have told us the Price(s) of yours as well as of other politicians (hehe). Never mind we will search the price on Google (Mazlumon ka saathi – Google Bhai).
For our Politicians, Pakistan is nothing but a comfortable place to do business and to earn a lot of money (with or without fame). We the people of Pakistan are now feeling very unsafe and unprotected, because all the forces (Police, Rangers, Army) are busy in saving these parasites (Politicians ;)). Allah (swt) Bachae in se to . . . . . . .
NOTE: Politics (+ Democracy + Communism) is Injurious to Health.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
A Statement from President House
"I (President) was in Jail for so many years during different governments, but today when I am the Head of the State, no any Political Leader is in Jail".
Monday, September 21, 2009
Salaam Arzz Haii ... !
I started blogging on September 7, 2008. I use to blog on blinddeafdumb.blogspot.com till january 5, 2009 and since then i left this wonderful work due to some personal reasons. But now i am back in this world, which you guys call Blogistan. I am back with the same old blog but with different url, i.e., shaikhonline.blogspot.com.
Mr. M.H. Shaikh
Hyderabad, Sindh